on my mind this week

I am back from a week in bed with a bad cold (and sinus infection). It was so strange spending that much time in bed, but I didn’t know what I had for a few days and didn’t want to get my family sick. This morning started with preschool drop-off and a mom and Kate date. We got egg bites at Starbucks and picked up a few things at Whole Foods. It feels so good to do things again. I have some partnerships to shoot this week so I’m going to get going on those over the next few days. Here’s what’s on my mind this week. 


On My Mind This Week, 10.17.22


The girls’ gingham dresses and shoes are linked in my shop, btw. 

Last weekend (as in a week ago) we met friends at Bengston’s Pumpkin Farm. It was our first time there, and I’d definitely recommend it to anyone with little kids. There were lots of rides for the kids – they loved it! I woke up with my cold the following day so that’s really the last thing I did that I have photos of. Conor took Kate to gymnastics and I dropped Margot off at dance and sat in the car. It wasn’t the most exciting week, but I watched some TV and did some work in bed toward the end of the week. Abbott Elementary is really cute, I’m watching This is Us (it’s ok but it’s not Parenthood), and we’re all caught up with House of the Dragon. 

This week’s meal planning/prep

I’m going to roast chicken and vegetables for everyone tonight, and am prepping this chicken enchilada soup for the week. I’m also going to try to make and shoot my fall salad. The few times I’ve tried, my avocado looked too sad. 

School and classes for the girls

Margot is in a great little groove with preschool. She has her friends and loves her teachers, and it’s the best feeling to see her thrive. Drop-off has been  great the last few weeks! I’m really glad I let her start with shorter days, and do not regret sitting in the car for 3 hours outside of school My therapist suggested starting with shorter blocks that we knew she could handle, so we’d set a timer and if she needed me, I’d get her early.

We had plans to enroll Margot in art but it started with school, and she was already struggling with drop-off so I pulled her out. She started dance with her friend 2 weeks ago and loves it. That’s the only class she’s doing outside of school because all the pick-ups and drop-offs already feel like a lot. Since Kate isn’t in school, my goal was to get her in 2 classes a week, so she has gymnastics and is doing a dance trial this week. It feels so good to get to do these things with them after not being able to for so long. 

It’s that time of year 🎄

Since we have out trip coming up, I got a very early start on holiday content. I would have normally posted the first week of November, but I had time so started updating some older posts. I started with a more comprehensive gift guide that I’ll add to in a couple weeks, and will work on some smaller, more specific guides, too. 

It also snowed today which makes holiday content feel slightly more appropriate! When Margot was getting ready this morning, she told me this “isn’t her weather.” Me too, kid. Me too. 🥶 I ordered some new winter hats (all 40% off at GAP) for the girls. And I’ve been putting it off but finally ordered these too. I’ve been in denial, but it’s time. I’m really glad I bought this teddy jacket – it’s so warm, and even works when temps are in the 30s.

Getting ready for Disneyland

These Minnie sweatsuits finally went on sale so I got them for our trip. We’ll tell the girls we’re leaving the morning of our trip. I’m just planning to ask what they’d do if they could go anywhere (Margot will probably say Disneyland). If she does, I’ll say great let’s go now! And if she suggests anything else, I’ll tell her that doesn’t sound fun enough, and that I want to go to Disneyland. Then I’ll give them their Minnie sweatsuits for the flight. You can see more Disney outfit ideas in this post.

Getting started on house projects

We are finally resuming the family room (I’m so excited to have this space for winter) and just finalized the design of the family room bar and our bathroom vanity. There are a million decisions to make – paint, window treatments, a new mantel, etc. Sofas should arrive this December 🤞🏼 and I’m having a new slipcover made for our oversized ottoman.  I’m not sure if I shared this, but we had planned to do the guest bath and girls’ bath in a few years. But all the plumbing is so old that it was recommended we do everything at once, so we’re planning to do all the bathrooms at the end of this year / early 2023. 


I have a handful of partnerships to work on before we leave. There’s a Halloween treat board, holiday gifts, holiday cards, and a fashion reel. I am the worst at reels – they make me so uncomfortable but it’s for a favorite brand, so I’m actually kind of excited about it. I am extremely awkward in front of a camera, so we’ll see how I do. And I have a call today to chat with one of my favorite partners over the years about an upcoming (and very meaningful) partnership. Things felt quiet for a while there (in a good way) but always pick up this time of year. That’s a good thing! 

And did I share that I’m in the middle of a big site redesign and rebrand? I really like my current site but it’s time for something fresh and new.