Weekend Reading, 10.7.22

It’s a beautiful, crisp, October Friday and I am finishing up this post in bed while Conor makes dinner for the girls. We’re celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary tomorrow night (it’s Sunday). We’ll be spending our actual anniversary at a pumpkin farm. Anything for the kids. Margot has her first dance class tomorrow, we’re heading to a pumpkin farm with her friend from school on Sunday, and we’re seeing our good friends on Monday. And we leave for Disneyland in less than a month!!! So here’s this week’s weekend reading 10.7.22.
Weekend Reading 10.7.22
I’ve been a little checked out the last few weeks, but it’s felt really good. The last few years were understandably a lot. Even when things got better, we were moving, getting the house ready, and took our first big trip. It was a little nonstop, and it’s been so nice to slow down. To do less.
A therapy revelation
I actually had an amazing session with my therapist last week. I told her I was feeling really good, set some boundaries without stressing about them (I usually struggle with that) and that things felt…good. I was almost surprised after being in a constant state of worry for years. I’m less stressed than I thought I’d be after treatment and there’s that perspective shift I talk about all the time. I’d give anything to undo what we went through, but life is so much better now than it was before diagnosis. I went from being unhappy at work and stressed out all the time to…not. That’s the thing about this job. It doesn’t have to be stressful, and things don’t have to be so blown up. Our family is happier, my day-to-day life is better, and there is a sense of gratitude that I otherwise never would have had.
To be very upfront, and I may have mentioned this, I was a mess before we left for our trip. My anxiety was through the roof and I wasn’t in a good place. So it feels like quite a shift to feel this at peace right now. There are times I worry about Margot, but the odds are very much in her favor (like 95-98%). Every so often, I worry but it’s rare I have a “what if” moment. Both my girls are happy and thriving.
Boundaries and anxiety
So we talked about how I was always in a state of worry, having to set some pretty extreme boundaries and there was zero give. Those boundaries were to keep her safe. But in those two years, my brain learned to set them, and now knows how. So all of a sudden, I found myself saying no, this is the way it is and I’m not going to talk about it anymore. I did not fixate. Or think about it at all. Or bring it up again. I didn’t even think about it until our session. I moved on immediately.
Who am I?
I’m not sure what my point is. Maybe to show you that we can make really significant changes, get through really hard times, and come out happier in the end?
House updates
As you can see, we made some updates to our bedroom, and I am really loving it. You can see our old bed here. There’s a new rug, bed, and window treatments. I’d like a new bench for the foot of the bed (ideally a pattern), door hardware, and lamps. And our bedding is on sale, by the way.
Our closets should be done in 4-6 weeks, and Margot is expected to have her new bed and upholstered chair by Christmas. For those who asked, we’re giving her current bed to Kate since it makes more sense in her room, and I love that it has wooden rails. These chairs are expected to arrive int the next month (and are also on sale). We will probably move her to a bed around or before her third birthday. I’m working on making the girls’ rooms feel really good (and making them more fun) since they won’t have a real playroom for a while.
We’re expecting some sofas, too, but don’t really have anywhere to put them right now. Things are coming along pretty slowly, otherwise. We are having a custom vanity made for our bath, so that should take some time. Very little progress has been made in the half bath, family room, or office, which is annoying but it is what it is. Finding a plumber and getting people back here has been tough. We don’t have a contractor which saves a lot of money, but piecing it together means a lot of waiting. Fortunately, the kitchen, sitting room, and bedrooms feel good, so all is well. And the living room is functioning as a playroom, so that’s been helpful, too.
Kate’s room
If you follow me on instagram, you know I am really frustrated with Kate’s room. I am trying to figure out what to do. I initially posted because I was hoping for a recommendation, and you all pulled through. Unfortunately, the options are totally redo it or leave it. People are split – the either don’t see it or think it’s bad. Designers think it’s *really* bad. It’s been hard to find someone to take on covering her vents since that’s such a small project, but I’m not sure if the lack of holes will make up for how messy it is. Of course it’s not the end of the world. If anyone knows that, it’s me. But it was a big splurge for me and it’s annoying. The life lesson here is to hire someone with a lot of experience.
Family updates
Kate is loving gymnastics to the point that I’m considering adding a second class each week. Or at the very least, I’ll get her in a dance class. I cannot believe how verbal she is. Margot was, too, but you kind of forget. She’s really funny, and seems so much more like a kid now.
Margot starts dance tomorrow and is very excited about her new tap shoes. She went from struggling at drop-off to saying “bye mom!” and running off to play with her friends. It’s the best feeling in the world. I am so proud of her. We had picture day, and she wore the cutest outfit from Bella Bliss (they sent it to us) and the entire store is on sale right now. She’s wearing these knee high socks and these shoes.
Recent finds and sales
Everything is 20% off at Serena and Lily. And the La Jolla basket comes in a new color that I just snagged for Margot’s room.
Save up to 30% off at Bella Bliss (one of my favorite brands for kids)
Get 20% off at Kathy Kuo
I’m sharing a few more updates in this weekend’s newsletter including the recipes I’m making this week.