12 Things That Help Me Feel Like I Have it Together (When I Don’t)

Disclaimer: I do not have my sh*t together. Instagram shows you glimpses – usually the good ones – but most of my days are unstructured and all over the place. When I was working full-time, I almost always felt like I was scrambling. I was never the get up at 5AM, work out, answer all my email, and start my day with a bang kinda gal. Now that I’m no longer working full-time but am still trying to work on my blog and Anecdote while caring for my girls, I still always feel like I’m doing 30 things at once. Because I am. Here are the 12 things that help me feel like I have it together when I don’t.
12 Things That Help Me Feel Like I Have it Together (When I Don’t)
Slowly but surely, I’ve found a few tricks to help me feel like things are a little more together than they actually are. Here are a few things you can start doing now to feel like you’re somewhat on top of things.
1. Clear your inbox.
A full inbox really stresses me out. Always has. Even on my busiest days, I aim to have less than 10 unread emails, and love an organized inbox. I clear my junk mail, unsubscribe to as much as possible, and when it’s not urgent but I know need to be replied to by x date, I’ll snooze an email to return in a few days.
2. Use reminders and alarms.
Anyone else make lists then never check them or throw laundry in and leave it there all day? I forget everything, so I set reminders and alarms for everything. I have a weekly alarm go off when we need to water our olive tree because I’d never do it otherwise. Ok, I still don’t do that one. Conor does.
3. Write things down.
As much as I love a notepad and paper, I really like the notes app on my computer since it syncs to my iPhone. Having my notes on me at all times is really helpful, and I’m able to categorize them by type, too.
4. Choose one thing to organize or purge daily.
This really depends on how much time and your level of interest in organizing. If you’re into it, try to do something daily. f you hate it, aim for once or twice a week. Adding these labels to glass jars made my spice drawer look so good. I feel better when I open a drawer or cabinet and there’s a place for everything.
5. Clean your floors and counters.
Ok, clean everything. I quickly steam the floors in our entry, living room, and kitchen at least twice a week and my house always feels so much cleaner afterward. I wipe down our kitchen counters daily (a few times a day, actually). It’s quick and easy, and again, makes a big difference. Clean the fridge out once a month, toss anything that’s expired, and don’t forget to make your bed.
6. Develop a skincare routine.
This is the easiest hack that made a big difference for me. Once I started using this oil every morning and night after washing my face, I felt better (and my skin looked better!). This is the first winter I’ve been through where my skin hasn’t been painfully dry.
7. Figure out some easy, go-to recipes that you can throw together in a pinch.
Every list like this one will tell you to meal plan and have a stocked fridge, but we all know that’s not always going to be the case. There are days when 6PM rolls around and you’ll find yourself wondering what you’re going to have for dinner. We have a few quick and easy options we can make when we don’t have recipes planned.
8. Purge your closet.
If you haven’t worn it in a year, donate it or sell it. If this feels like a daunting task, trust me when I tell you that you’ll feel amazing afterward. Set aside items to sell or donate, and drop off at Goodwill or a local shelter. I like posting gently used items on FB marketplace free for other moms who might be able to use them.
9. Make a list of some of the big things you need to do, and start getting them done.
Have you had your skin checked this year? Is it time for a dental cleaning? How about an annual physical? Oil change? All those annoying things you keep putting off don’t all have to get done in the next two weeks, but start scheduling appointments at least once a month (twice if you can). You’ll feel better. Trust me.
10 Tidy up before bed. Every night after the girls go to bed.
I spend maybe 10 minutes putting everything away and make sure the kitchen is clean. Sure, we’ll destroy it again in the morning, but there’s something about waking up to a clean house.
11. Find a place for your keys, coat, shoes, and wallet.
And stick with it. We have a little shelf by the front door and I always (always) put my keys there, so I’m never scrambling to find them.
12. This might not seem like a big one but I promise you it makes a difference.
When you see that you’re halfway through something, like shampoo, a spice you use often, toilet paper etc, place an order for more or add it to your grocery list. The satisfaction of using the last of your shampoo and having a full bottle ready to go is something. It’ll make you feel like you have this adulting thing down. Trust me.