It’s taken some time to adjust to the move, lack of internet (thanks, Comcast) and hiring our first full-time employee, but I think I’m ready to blog again. I thought I should write a post about moving since I’m now in my 5th Chicago apartment (in a 5 year period). Moving 101: tips for a successful move. 


Moving 101: Tips for a Successful Move


When ( first moved to Chicago in August, 2010 I knew nothing about the city. I was certain I wouldn’t be safe without a doorman and moved into a high-rise in River North, which was ironically around the corner from what was once one of the most dangerous areas in Chicago. Go figure. My River North apartment was tiny and too expensive (i.e. more than I could afford) so I traded my doorman for a buzzer and moved north to the border of Lincoln Park and Lakeview, where I gained about 200 square feet of space and saved $300 per month.

A few weeks ago, I happened to walk into my dream apartment and I couldn’t not take it. And while things are great with Conor, no, we did not move in together. It’s up north (Lakeview), but since I work from home and spend most of my time there, I decided to take the place I love. Now let’s talk about the moving/packing process, because I’ve learned a lot about moving since relocating from LA to Chicago.

Hire Movers

If you own furniture and aren’t a bodybuilder or The Hulk, you should consider hiring movers. If you have a car, take a few things over to save on move time. Sofa lifting is out for me, but I can handle lamps and artwork. I’ve worked with The Professionals, who did a great job, and this time around, used Wolley Movers. This move (with Wolley Movers) was the first one where nothing was damaged, but they were insanely expensive (like I freaked out and argued with them over price), so in the end, I’d stick with The Professionals.

I usually ask if I can run to the store and pick up some drinks or snacks they might want when we go from apt. 1 to apt 2. I feel like this gesture is usually appreciated. And don’t forget to take out cash to tip them!

Eco-Friendly Boxes

The past three moves, I’ve gotten smart and have skipped the cardboard for rentable moving boxes. I usually rent from Redi-Box, which is based here in Chicago, and go with the 1 bedroom option which is $149 for two weeks. This option is 100x better in every possible way.

No putting together or breaking down boxes (less trash!), no smelly cardboard, no tape, and no smashed boxes. They open, close, and stack easily, too. Reid-Box drops the boxes off and then picks them up at your new place! I gave myself a few days to pack and had the boxes picked up 24 hours after moving in. I unpack very quickly. There’s usually a junk box or two at the end, which gets dumped on the floor. Anything I can’t find a place for gets tossed.

I label boxes by room and contents. I also recommend packing an overnight bag with your essentials (pajamas, underwear, body wash, phone charger, toothbrush etc) so you’ll have everything you need the first night in your new home.

Figure out a Furniture Floor Plan

Have an idea of where the furniture will go so you can tell the movers where to take it. Or if you’re moving yourself,  it’ll probably be a lot less painful knowing where the sofa goes vs. having to move it all over your living room 5x. I also unpacked all 30 boxes by 3am, so I was maybe a little overzealous. Planning on making this move a bit breezier, and I already know where my sofa is going, so that’s half the battle.

Move Breakables Yourself

Each year, I usually skip packing the breakable/fragile things I really love and drive them over to the new place right before or after the move. As I just mentioned, this helps save on move time. I trust the movers to do a good job, but worry about my packing abilities when it comes to the extra-fragile stuff, so this gives me peace of mind knowing I was extra careful with things I really care about.

I’ve had friends let me borrow cars or offer to do a trip with me, and now that I have a car, it should be even easier.

Consider Safety

Ever since moving to smaller buildings without buzzers, I’ve relied on Simpli Safe, a great alarm system without a contract. You buy the alarm and can order extra door/window sensors, glass break sensors, and motion detectors. It’s just $25 a month, which feels reasonable when it comes to feeling safe . And you can control the alarm from an app on your cell phone. And there’s even a panic button.

Keep The Essentials On Hand

Drop water, snacks, toilet paper, and hand soap at the new place before the move. If you’re feeling especially motivated, pick up a few things so you’ll have something to eat the day after the move to avoid relying on take-out. Also make sure you have all the basics–detergent, light bulbs, trash bags, nails, mr. clean magic erasers, rags, paper towels, sponges, etc. Moving is exhausting, and having to run to the store for something you might need is a pain.

Did you go from a built in microwave to not having one? Need a new trash can or shower curtain? Is there a closet that needs shelving? Figure out what you don’t have and take care of that before the move.

Set an Unpacking Goal

I’ve heard stories about people taking weeks to unpack. I only give myself 24-48 hours from the move to box pickup, which means I have to unpack. But if i’m keeping it real, I’d do that anyway because I’m as type A as it gets and want to get settled in as soon as possible.

Arrange Care for Pets and Kids

Find a friend to watch your pets (and children, if applicable) the day of the move. If that’s not possible, confine them to one room until everything is out of the old place. I usually get things settled and then bring Buddy over.

Set Up a Cable Install Appointment for Moving Day 

I always set cable and internet up after moving in, because sitting in an empty apartment for four hours pre-move sounds terrible. I moved on a Sunday and had cable set up for Monday, but Comcast screwed everything up and didn’t come out until the following Saturday. It was awful! So if you have Comcast, make sure you have a hotspot or some sort of backup if needed. I’ll set up electric and gas right before moving in and updated my mailing address, too.

Declutter and Donate Before Packing

Use this as a chance to get rid of clutter. I’ve posted items to craigslist, had yard sales, and donated things I don’t need. This is a chance to evaluate the things you actually want in your life, and to get rid of what you don’t need or use.

I’m sure a lot of this seems like common sense, but it’s really easy to skip one or two little steps with a move because there’s so much to do, so hopefully this list will help.