Find a Friend in Your City

In August 2010, I moved from my hometown of Los Angeles to Chicago. I didn’t have so much as one friend or family member in the city. But made the most incredible group of friends. My blog was one of the best resources I had for meeting new people. In 2017, I had the idea to use it to help you connect with one another. And there’s no time like the fresh start of a new year to do something bold. To connect with a potential new friend via someone else’s blog. Find a Friend in Your City.
Find a Friend in Your City
I was never one of those girls who had a lot of friends and even now, I prefer a smaller group of close friends who I am in very regular contact with. The above photo is proof that you never know how, when, or where you’ll meet someone who just might change your life. Friends I met through blogging, outside an ex-boyfriend’s apartment, in school, at a friend’s house, and working at a coffee shop. Say hi to people. You never know where that hello might take you.
I’ve shared posts like this one half-a-dozen times and have connected hundreds (yes, literally hundreds) of readers in cities across the country. Book clubs, wine nights, and lifelong friendships have formed. Some have become so close they’ve traveled together.
As you all know, meeting new friends isn’t easy. So today, I’m going to help you find a friend in your city.
If you’re a regular reader, chances are you have something in common with another reader in your city. So whether you’re new to a city or stuck in a friendship rut (we’ve allllll been there) and want to meet new people, this one’s for you.
You can use my Instagram guides to find a friend in your city
Here’s how it works (read this carefully!)
Leave a comment with your city IN CAPS and share a little bit about yourself below.
Before leaving a new comment, scroll all the way down to see if someone else has mentioned your city! If they have, reply to their comment to keep each city together. We don’t want anyone getting left out!
Here’s a sample comment:
CHICAGO! I’m Danielle, and I moved here from LA back in 2010. I got married in 2017 and have an almost 6 month old baby girl and 2 rescue dogs. I love interior design, hope to get better at cooking this year, and enjoy exploring the city when it’s not freezing. You can follow me on instagram: @daniellemoss_
Please let me know if you end up meeting someone or even better, take a photo together so I can share your story!