I knew it was coming. But when Conor asked what I wanted my ring to look like, I was torn between two styles. And my answer of “round or cushion with a plain or diamond band–just surprise me and I’ll say yes!” didn’t do it for him. He wanted to be sure I’d love it. I had also told him I’d be fine with simple diamond band – I’m not really a jewelry person, and the thought of a larger diamond seemed weird. We went back and forth and ultimately, decided to look together, more for him than me. So…should you go ring shopping together? 


Should You Go Ring Shopping Together? And how I chose my ring.

I can’t blame the guy for wanting to look at rings together since I’m really indecisive and have a lot of opinions. But I wanted it to be a surprise! So we looked at rings together and the whole process was exciting and a little surreal. In the end, I didn’t feel pulled toward one shape vs the other. And shocker–actually ended up liking princess cut making things even more confusing. 

The decision was finally made. Even though I knew it would be round with a plain band and actually saw the proposal coming, I was still so surprised. I didn’t choose the ring, but we narrowed down the style. So if you’re talking about getting engaged, I’d recommend looking at rings. I’m glad I knew I’d love it. There’s that part of me that loves the idea of being surprised as long as it didn’t result in a Carrie/Aidan situation. That pear shaped diamond with a gold band was not good.


Our Paris Wedding: First Look and Portraits