I used to wish that Conor and I had a romantic story about how we met. You know – a meet cute straight out of The Holiday. I shared the story of how we met earlier this year but now that our wedding weekend is one month away, thought now would be a good time to share it again. Why? Because dating is not easy, and these stories are the ones that need to be told.


How We Met

We met on Tinder

It was the middle of May 2015 but finally felt like summer and I was at the pool with my friend and wedding photographer Katie. I had just downloaded Tinder after taking yet another break from the app and quickly matched with Conor.

How tinder works

If you’re not familiar with Tinder, you’re able to see the friends you have in common on Facebook. His instagram profile was private at the time but we had a few friends in common so I had one send some screen shots over. He seemed normal enough and I thought he was cute, but assumed, like every other guy, that he “wasn’t looking for anything serious” (news flash: he wasn’t at the time) but thought I’d go out with him anyway. Turns out he was at my yard sale a few days earlier but I was out on a coffee run and missed him.

It helped that we had friends in common

Conor knew about The Everygirl (via a mutual facebook friend) was which saved me me from having to explain what I do. Super awkward when dating. And more important, I knew he wasn’t a serial killer and let him pick me up at my place. That’s a big no when dating online, but it made things feel a lot more first date-ish.

Our first date

We went to Sportsman’s Club for drinks and after a few hours of talking, ended up getting dinner at The Dawson. I heard from him the next day and the following evening, he came to a concert with me and a few friends. Conor canceled a date with another girl that weekend and we both deleted tinder, and 4 days after we met, I met his mom and stepdad. I know, I know. He happened to have plans with them and we had spend the whole day together, so he invited me to join. I didn’t have plans and knew the guy 4 days, so why not?

It was so easy

I never wondered if he was interested or when I’d hear from him. Ever. Not once did I pine over reaching out and I’m a serial piner. But really, one of my friends calls me a pine tree. No one is too busy to text or call you for a week. If someone is interested and wants to see you, they’re going to see you. We actually told people we met at a yard sale those first few months but eventually embraced our story. So much of my life is online that it would make sense I’d meet someone that way, right? I know how exhausting dating and apps and deciphering texts can be, and my story is a reminder that these apps do work.

Our relationship is obviously not perfect and we’ve had our bumps in the road like all couples do, but the past almost 2.5 years have been the best years of my life. We lived 5 minutes from one another and he was at my yard sale, but it took Tinder for us to meet. Our own modern day meet cute.

Have you tried online dating? Have any questions about it? I’d love to hear more in the comments below!