We all spent a lot of time at home the last couple of years. Some people were really into sourdough. Others started at-home workouts. Had I not been without childcare while attempting to work (that was fun) a hobby could have been really nice. A new hobby can be a great way to learn a new skill – and a fun way to try something new. There are a ton of hobbies to choose from and ultimately, a great hobby is a wonderful way to work on personal growth. Now that things feel a bit more settled, I’ve been thinking about hobbies I could dabble with this year. And for those of you who might also be interested in a hobby, I thought I’d put together a list of hobbies to try this year.
Hobbies To Try This Year
As a mom of young kids, I don’t have too much free time, but I think (or I know) a hobby would be good for me. And with less time, it’s harder to commit. My career allows me to be creative, but it’s still nice to have time away from work. Because when you work for yourself, it can be hard to draw boundaries between work and life. But it’s essential that we give ourselves time to unplug. Time to be creative, or to sit and read. To try something new, or to unplug.
It’s not always easy to make time for a hobby when some of what you do for work and life may fulfill you the way a hobby would. I’m working on decorating my home, a few renovations, and then there’s design and photography for work. But it’s easier than ever to start a new hobby at home. There are endless online classes to choose from, youtube videos and so many different ways to try something new.
There are endless types of hobbies to choose from – from recreational activities to physical activities – there’s something for everyone. A hobby doesn’t need to be a resolution to master anything. But it’s nice to try something new. And a hobby means a break from work and life and stress, and we can all use that, right? Right. and it can be as simple as sitting with a coloring book – the perfect hobby for those who need to unwind. which is all of us.
Why start a hobby?
Having a hobby can be so good for you. It’s fun to do something you enjoy. Some hobbies might lead you to make new friends or to new opportunities, but the point is to try something new that you will hopefully enjoy. It can be as simple as a book club – that’s a great place to start for those of us who want are looking for easy. But a hobby should be something you love that isn’t content creation or something with a reward at the end. Maybe it will turn into that, like blogging did for me – but starting something with the joy of creating or doing something new is, in my opinion, a good start.
Hobbies are an excellent way to try something new. New hobbies will get that brain doing something new. Learn a skill.
It’s good for your mental health and wellness. And some hobbies are good for your physical health, too.
Good hobbies will help you relax and give you a break from stress. they will make you a more well-rounded person, and really, that’s what it’s all about.
Hobbies To Try This Year

Be sporty.
Ok, so sports are admittedly not my thing, but you could take up swimming, skating, or golf. You could get into something different like martial arts or team sports – just choose something that interests you. And think of all the new people you’ll meet and the great exercise you’ll get along the way.

Find a great new workout.
This is a little more my speed. Try an online (or in-person) class like yoga or pilates. There are endless options now and most have trial periods so you can see what works for you before paying.
Learn a new language.
I haven’t really practiced a new language since I took Spanish in high school, and sadly, I’ve forgotten most of it. Sure, I dabbled with Duolingo, but didn’t stick with it. Anyone else struggle with follow-through?

This one is a favorite past time for me. It’s something I started at around 31, and from 31-35, visited Paris, Italy Denmark, Iceland, Argentina, and about a dozen states in the US. International travel is great and you can definitely do it on a budget. We found tickets to Denmark for $300 – travel off season and make the most of the fact that there are fewer crowds. Or hop in your car and go for a road trip. Years ago, I road-tripped from San Francisco down through Big Sur, Santa Barbara, and finally, ended the trip in Los Angeles.

Create something.
Creative hobbies are probably my favorite. Even making this list excites me, so I guess this is where I need to dig a little deeper. Take a calligraphy class, or take up coloring, drawing, or painting. Maybe pottery or photography? I dabbled in needlepointing last year but needed a proper lesson and never got around to following through with that. But I really enjoyed it and would love to be good enough to eventually make new stockings for my kids (and eventually, grandchildren) someday. Try your hand at a flower arranging course, or candle or jewelry making. Finally get that sewing machine – you have to start somewhere.
Start a blog. What started as a fun hobby turned into a career. I didn’t even start it with the intention of earning extra money. It was simply a creative outlet that I loved.
I took one graphic design course, bought a digital camera, and started a blog (for fun) in 2007. You do not need an expensive camera and can start with an entry-level digital SLR. Never thought it would lead me here. My sister started playing around with resin molds last year and within a few months, opened her own shop.

Learn to cook or bake.
My 4.5 year old wants to be a pastry chef when she grows up so learning to bake wouldn’t be the worst thing I could do. Buy a cookbook or try your hand at your favorite baker’s pie reel that you can’t stop watching. There are so many great online courses now, too. The methods to get started are endless, and the only way to get better is to start doing it.
Take up an instrument. Alright, so this feels a touch overwhelming to me given where I am in life right now. But, we’re about to get a piano and fun fact: I used to play the drums when I was maybe 12? I’ve always wanted to learn to play the guitar, too.

Get outside.
Take up hiking, running, rock climbing, boating, horseback riding, or skiing. Up for something that will get you outside but not feeling like you need another especially physical outlet? How about gardening? I got (sort of) into gardening a few years ago. I really enjoyed it but also had to stop because you can only have so many planters and it started to get really expensive.