On My Mind This Week 2.8.2022

I fell asleep in Margot’s bed at 7:15 last night and woke up at 6:50 this morning, so I was pretty rested today. The sun has been shining a little brighter and we have flowers for the first time in our home in months (whole foods curbside pickup). Cases are trending down and things are feeling a little better this week. 


On My Mind This Week, 2.8.2022

This morning 

I did some cleaning, answered email, posted a few things to LTK, and started working on an Easter basket blog post (I know, so early, but the cute stuff always goes fast). The post took hours but is ready to go, and it’s really cute. I ended up buying a few things for the girls since they’ve both gone up a size and their clothes are a little short. It’s so easy to get distracted when working on roundup posts.

No Easter basket purchases yet, but those pink chicken dresses really get me, and they sell out fast. And the new Petite Plume prints are so sweet. 

Work, balance, and boundaries

Work is going really well. I’m in a good groove, have some fantastic partnerships on the horizon, and hiring someone to handle my SEO and help manage Pinterest is one of the best things I could have done. It’s been so helpful. I’m also really enjoying my newsletter and creating content on LTK. You may have noticed, but in an effort to make things easier, I permanently disabled comments on my blog. It’s my personal blog and not a public forum, and being able to hit publish and move on feels simpler. I’m doing what I can to make things easier, to create some boundaries, and focusing my energy where I need it. 

Travel in 2022?

While working in the office with Conor, we started talking about when we might be able to take the girls to Disneyland. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. It’s going to be magic. ✨ We’re hoping we can make it happen late summer/early fall, but so many things would need to line up. So trying not to get too excited about it. Either way, we won’t tell them until the day before either way. I’ll hand them backpacks, Disney dresses, and some activities for the trip. A mom can dream.


Working out at home continues to be a struggle. I love working from home and having flexibility but miss leaving the house to work out. And I really like CorePower but it’s still not a studio workout. I did 20 min on the peloton today, and am committed to doing that until I trick myself into enjoying it. Working out is something I normally really enjoy, so I just need to change how I think about it. I get to move my body, and I finally have time to work out during the day and need to make it happen. 

Getting out with the girls?

I just emailed every play space and museum that I could find to see if we might be able to bring the girls a little before opening so they’d have a chance to explore and play. We had our distanced hotel stay before Christmas but haven’t done anything since. So I’m hoping someone will be able to work with us. Happy to pay admission, but too worried about any potential exposure during normal hours. 

Valentine cookie pops

I tried to make Valentine cookie pops for the girls and it was a bit of a fail, but they still loved them. Even double stuff oreos didn’t work – they just break when you put the stick in. The cookies were still cute and turns out Kate loves sprinkles. 

What I’m watching

Forgot to share this gem with you, but if you haven’t watched Sex Lives of College Girls, it is the joy we need right now. Mostly light and very funny – we loved it. Currently watching S2 of Ozark. A little less funny (ok, it’s very intense) but since I’m not involved with a drug cartel it’s not the realistic kind of scary that makes me anxious. 

Thoughts on the finale of And Just Like That

I watched the finale of And Just Like That, and it was by far my favorite episode. It wasn’t amazing, but it was better than the rest, which…isn’t saying much?  If it had started with the finale, there could have been some hope. Carrie’s husband passed away and she has her own podcast, Miranda left Steve (ideally without cheating – hated that storyline) and is dating someone who happens to be nonbinary. And Charlotte is still Charlotte, and happens to have a nonbinary child. I have mixed feelings on Miranda’s hair since I loved the grey, and really don’t love that she’s putting her life on hold to follow Che. The show was such a mess until this point – the death, cheating, and struggle to properly use and understand pronouns was annoying, but this episode was the first time it almost felt like the show I once loved. Almost. 

The rest of the week

I have a call to go over some blog strategy tomorrow, clinic with Margot (just labs, so will be fast) this week, and am committed to start moving my body more. I’m even doing a peloton ride with a friend tomorrow at 9AM!