Tomorrow is the second anniversary of our first date. I am especially excited to tell you that we have a wedding venue, date, planner, and city. We’re getting married in Paris! 

We’re Getting Married in Paris

A Paris wedding has been on my mind for as long as I can remember. Conor and I looked at Paris and the South of France after returning from Portugal. Nothing felt right and minimums were unreasonably high for our group of less than 20 people. Then it was on to the US. There was Charleston, Santa Barbara, and even NYC, but we were spinning in circles trying to make something work and nothing felt easy or like us.

Last week, Conor brought Paris up again and it felt right, so I scoured SMP for inspiration for a small wedding in the city. I never thought to hire a planner but after coming across Luxe Paris Events, figured it would be worth inquiring about rates (which are so much more reasonable than I thought and so worth it).

Earlier this week, we got on a call with Billy. We fell in love with the first venue he showed us, and sent over our deposit. After feeling hopeless, we had a date, venue, and planner. In Paris! 

Our Paris Wedding: First Look and Portraits