Rue-Stoffer Photography 0090

We live in an age of busy. And a full life with exciting projects and great friends is a good thing, right? I’d probably get bored if it were any other way, but squeezing everything in just to get it done can leave you feeling defeated instead of fulfilled. And we can’t have that.


Something’s Gotta Give


A week after my 10 day trip to South America, my business partner left town for a week. And while things are 1000x easier having Allyson on the team, it’s just so much better when there are 2 people to handle the major stuff. 2 photo shoots, 3 design projects, a houseguest last weekend, trip to CA (leaving tomorrow), another houseguest next weekend, securing donations for PAWS animal Magnetism on the 18th, a project with GiltCity, prepping for my home tour shoot in April, a possible trip at the end of March, and four more trips by the end of May. Full and exciting, but I’m tired just thinking about it.

So what do you do when things feel crazy?

It is a must that I have at least 2 nights during the week to relax and do nothing. My back had been feeling really tight lately. I booked a deep tissue which not only helped calm me down. It alleviated a lot of tension, too. This might sound stupid, but ordering 2 bottles of my favorite almond milk made me happy. So I splurged on some fancy almond milk. I also treated myself to a trench coat since that’s something I needed for spring.

Anxiety around difficult things

There’s a lot of anxiety around traveling home to LA which is probably why I only go once a year. I’ve touched on this, but my relationship with my mom is very complicated and my great aunt (the family member I’ve always been closest to) has no idea who I am anymore. There’s a small part of me that doesn’t want Rose to look at me and no know who I am again. Of course I’m going to see her and want to see her. It’s just extremely said and painful. Dementia sucks.

Making it easier

I’m staying at my oldest friend’s place (friends since we were SIX). She’s already made me feel so welcome by picking up my favorite snacks and drinks, and making fun plans for us while I’m there. On Sunday morning, I’ll drive up to Santa Barbara to visit one of my best friends and her 3 kids. I can’t tell you how excited I am to see them. I drove up there at least 1-2 times a month for about a year when her first son was born. Jess and I talk at least a few times a week but I need to squeeze these people immediately.

Just a little reminder to give yourself a break when you need one.

Happy almost weekend!