Tech Backgrounds
May Tech Backgrounds for Your Phone and Desktop

It’s MAY! There’s less than one month until June and summer and sunshine. And of course, some big changes for our family. It’s been especially gloomy and way too cold, but flowers are blooming, trees are green again, and warm weather is coming. Each new month feels like a month closer to a new life for our family this year. Because it is. Next month, we’ll close on our new house, Kate turns two, it’s the start of SUMMER, and we’ll end the month with Margot’s port removal and very last IV chemo. I am a little up and down these days – itching for change, grateful to be where we are, and a bit lonely and tired of isolating. But I’m feeling especially optimistic today. Anyway…here are my May tech backgrounds.
May Tech Backgrounds
I’m trying something different with this month’s tech backgrounds. These are a little weird but fun, yes? I put together these collages and love how they feel just a little bit like a vacation or time in California (where I’m from). But they mostly remind me of when I collaged my closet door in high school. And I really miss traveling. As we get closer to these big changes, I can’t stop thinking about really living again. Seeing people, traveling, and doing things.
By the time Margot was Kate’s age, she had been to Italy, California, Florida, and New York. Kate has been to a lake house in Indiana and the zoo. There’s nothing wrong with not traveling, but it’s something that’s especially important to us. I didn’t grow up traveling. In fact, I didn’t visit Europe until I was 31. But I fell fast and hard – we got married in Paris almost 5 years ago. I can’t wait to be able to travel again. Beach vacations, trips to Europe, to visit South America again. All of it. Enough with the rambling. Here are this month’s tech backgrounds for your desktop and iPhone. Enjoy! And happy May!
Download this desktop background
Download this desktop background here
You can download this desktop background here
Download this iPhone background here
You can download this iPhone background here